Wed Aug 17 2022

February 2019
Dinesh Prasad Dahal, 36, from Meghauli, Bharatpur Metropolis, Chitwan, was searching for work opportunities in Narayangadh for months, when he came across Professional Cook training advertised Chitwan Post daily.
After toiling in Qatar for seven years as a tea boy in a construction company, he had returned to Nepal only two years ago. In Nepal he tried his hands at various jobs, but success seemed to elude him. He reared cows and sold milk while at the same time running a teashop, but his efforts failed.
Despite the failures, Dinesh was determined for a life of success if given the opportunity. Therefore, when he learnt about the Professional Cook training offered free of cost by Hamro Prashikhan Sewa Talim Kendra and supported by the Enhanced Skills for Sustainable and Rewarding Employment (ENSSURE) project, he was determined to apply. He filled the application forms but was skeptical of being selected when he saw the huge number of applicants. A few days later the news reached Dinesh – he had been selected for the training. This, Dinesh mentions, as being the turning point in his life.
Though he did not have to pay a single rupee for the 10-months long training with OJT, Dinesh had to manage his own accommodation and food, which for him was a problem as he lived quite a distance from the training venue. His brother-in-law, who agreed to provide Dinesh free boarding and lodging in exchange for his work at his restaurant came to his rescue here.
Dinesh worked extremely hard and completed training successfully with OJT at Aakash Tandoori, Bharatpur Chitwan. While doing his OJT, he dreamed of owning a quality restaurant. As luck would have it, one day his brother-in-law shared with him his plans to go abroad and to keep his restaurant for sale. Dinesh saw this as an opportunity to realize his dream of owning his own restaurant but was not sure of how he would manage the finances. He had with him some money saved from his stint in Qatar. With that money, and the support and encouragement from his family and relatives, he managed to acquire a loan of NPR 1.5 million from Agriculture Development Bank.
Dinesh is now the proud owner of Himshikhar Tandoori Restaurant Cottage and Bar, where only a few months back he had been an employee. He is now in the process of revamping his menu to include about 50 items.
Dinesh has employed five people in his restaurants. They work fulltime in his restaurant. Dinesh looks after front desk, kitchen and the day-to-day operation and management of the restaurant.
He is extremely happy with his restaurant’s income of NPR 125,000 a month. With this income he has been able to take care of the staff salary, rental charges and other expenses such as consumables, interest on his loan and education of his children. Altogether, 14 family members in his family including 2 children; son and daughter. His monthly saving is around NPR 15,000-20,000. Dinesh has plan to expand his restaurant business in the near future and is quite excited about the new menu!