Tue Jul 12 2022

Project Management Structure
The following bodies will engage in the project management:
Project Steering Committee (PSC)
The PSC will take strategic decisions and approve financial commitments, review progress and address critical situations. Any changes on activities, human or financial resources etc. in PSU and PIU should be reflected in annual planning and be approved by PSC.
The GoN will be represented by the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the MoE. The Government of Switzerland will be represented by the Embassy of Switzerland. It will be at this level, where the project is linked, through policy dialogue, with the national TVET policy of Nepal.
The PSC is chaired by the Secretary of MOE and co-chaired by the Joint Secretary (planning division) of MoE and includes CTEVT, MoF, NPC, SDC / Swiss Embassy, representatives (presidents) of cooperating industry associations; leading industrialists (from partner companies); PIU manager (CTEVT as Member Secretary); PSU team leader ( as a member), outstanding TVET personalities (as invitees).
Project Coordination Committees (PCCs)
The PCCs will ensure coordination between PIU and PSU. At the central level, the PCC will be led by the PIU manager and at the local level, it will be led by the CTEVT Regional Director.
Sector specific advisory committees
An advisory committee (appointed by the PSC) includes experts from sector specific backgrounds to support deliberations and decisions for the project implementation.
Project Implementation Unit
The Project Implementation Unit (PIU) is formed under the leadership of CTEVT in order to manage the funds under the cash modality and carry out related managerial duties, notably the contract management with providers of systematic short courses. At this level, the project is linked with the TVET regulators CTEVT and NSTB/NVQA. The unit will be chaired by the Member Secretary of CTEVT and includes the Director of the Training Division as PIU manager.
Project Support Unit
A Project Support Unit (PSU) is established by the agency selected through an open international tender for providing technical assistance to the project. At this level the main contacts are established and maintained between the project and industrial associations. The PSU will manage the funds under the direct payment modality.
Area based PSU and PIU
Depending on the areas chosen for project interventions, both PIU and PSU will set up local offices. At this level, the project interacts with regional and local governmental bodies and with companies, trainees and training providers.
Figure 6 illustrates the management structure.