Tue Jul 12 2022

Training with OJT
Training with OJT is one of the training modalities of CTEVT/ENSSURE aimed at qualifying trainees for the level 2 skill tests. The training delivery comprises two stages, namely, training at the training center, and systematic practice at the respective industry/company during OJT. At the training center, trainees learn theoretical aspects of the occupation along with practical sessions in the laboratory or simulated environment based on the curriculum. While during the OJT, trainees perform and practice tasks or skills in the real work environment systematically under the guidance of the in-company trainer. CTEVT/ENSSURE emphasizes the quality of learning by the participants during OJT by introducing various tools such as Learning Diary for reflecting the learning outcomes by participants, and by guiding in-company trainers to evaluate the performance of participants. The duration of this Short Training Course with OJT is 1,696 hours, and the duration of the center-based training and OJT depends on the curriculum. A maximum of 6 hours per day or a maximum of 36 hours per week is the estimated duration for center-based training and 8 hours per day for OJT. For instance, the duration of center-based training for the occupation of Professional Cook is 842 hours, and 854 hours for OJT. This is equivalent to 141 days or 24 weeks and 107 working days or 18 weeks for center-based and OJT respectively. Hence, the total working days for a professional cook will be 248 days. This will be followed by skill test preparation and skill test. The training providers will also assist in job placement.
Eligibility criteria
Nepali youths, particularly from disadvantaged groups, fulfilling the following criteria are eligible to enroll in the training:
- Be a Nepali citizen;
- Be at least 18 years and up to the age of 35 for men and 40 for women or as required by the curriculum;
- Have a minimum qualification as prescribed by the CTEVT curriculum for a selected occupation and level; the maximum level of education should not be more than10+2;
- Must be a fresh candidate without having prior training experience in a related occupation; and
- Be able to perform the essential functions of occupation.
Priority will be given to women and those from weak economic backgrounds.
Training process
The course will follow the curriculum developed by CTEVT for occupational skill level 2. An orientation is provided to the shortlisted applicants to make an informed decision if the training is beneficial to them or not.
The duration of training will be 1696 hours (or as defined by the curriculum) or 40 weeks. The institution-based theoretical classes are for 28 weeks. Career guidance sessions will be conducted during institution-based training before OJT. A performance evaluation is conducted after the theoretical classes are completed. The instructors will also conduct trainees’ performance evaluations during institution-based training at least every 15 days. This continuous evaluation will be a part of the final evaluation of institution-based training.
The trainees are then linked with potential employers for On-the-job (OJT) training. An orientation on the OJT plan and their roles and responsibilities during the OJT in the assigned company is provided to the trainees at the beginning of the OJT. The total duration for OJT is 12 weeks. The In-company Trainer will conduct trainees’ performance evaluations at least once a month during OJT. This monthly evaluation will be part of the final evaluation of the OJT period. With the support of the OJT Supervisor, the In-Company Trainer will develop and implement their own performance evaluation at the end of the OJT.
The trainees will be called back from OJT companies at the training center 15 days prior to the end date of training to revise classes and conduct mock skill test sessions as preparatory activities for skill tests.
For certification, trainees will participate in the Skill test by National Skill Testing Board (NSTB) for the corresponding level and occupation, which is mandatory for Training with OJT. Trainees should have at least 90% attendance and mandatory participation in skill tests. The trainees who fail to maintain 90% attendance will be considered dropouts.
Career Path
The graduate will be eligible for the position equivalent to Non-gazetted 2nd class/level 4 (technical) in government organizations or as per prescribed by the Public Service Commission of Nepal or concerned authorities. The graduate can also join different organizations as well as start their own.
Project Introduction
Enhanced Skills for Sustainable and Rewarding Employment (ENSSURE) is a bilateral project of the Governments of Nepal and Switzerland. The first phase of the ENSSURE project is being implemented from January 2016 until July 2022, and the second phase is from September 2021 to July 2025. The project is implemented by the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) at the federal level, the Ministry of Social Development at the provincial level, and municipalities at the local level with Helvetas Nepal providing technical assistance. Phase II of the project will be implemented in Province 1, Bagmati Province, and Lumbini Province.
As a system-building initiative, ENSSURE focuses on Dual VET-Apprenticeship, Training with OJT, Worker’s Further Training, Career Guidance, Occupational Health and Safety, and Human Resource Management of partner companies.
Enhanced Skills for Sustainable and Rewarding Employment
CTEVT Complex, Sano Thimi, Bhaktapur
Tel: +977 1 6636073/6636191
Fax: +977 1 6632091
Email: [email protected]
Web: https://nepal.helvetas.org, http://enssure.org.np
ENSSURE Provincial Support Units: Province-1, Biratnagar
Tel: 021-463504
Bagmati Province, Hetauda
Tel: 057-520669
Lumbini Province, Butwal
Tel: 071-543265
To convey your complaint, suggestion, or comment. Contact Toll-free number: 166001-00-22