Wed Nov 02 2022

Management and steering mechanism of the project.
A. Institutional arrangement
1. Project Coordination and Implementation Unit at the Federal level (PCIU-F):
The PCIU-F will be established at CTEVT at federal level. The PCIU-F acts as thesecretariat of the Project Coordination Committee (PCC) established under the leadershipof the member Secretary of CTEVT. The manager for the PCIU-F is assigned by the PCC.
2. Project Coordination and Implementation Unit in the Provinces (PCIU-Ps):
The PCIU-P operates under MoSD in each Province and is led by the person responsiblefor TVET as assigned by the secretary of MoSD.
3. The Project Support Unit (PSU):The PSU shall be an autonomous temporary unit for the duration of the Project. The PSU will be established by a TA Provider, the agency entrusted by the Governments of Nepal and Switzerland to provide technical assistance to the Project. The PSU shall act as the support unit for the coordination, planning, management and monitoring functions for the smooth implementation of project.
4. Local Governments: The mayor/chair will provide overall strategic guidance to the education, sports and youthsection in each Local Government, where the project is implemented.
B. Steering mechanism
1. Project Advisory Committee (PAC):The PAC will be established at Federal level and led by the secretary of MoEST. It willmeet at least once a year to comprehensively advise and coordinate the Project’simplementation at all levels.
2. Project Steering Committee (PSC): The PSC will be established in each working Province (Province 1, Bagmati Province and Lumbini Province). The PSC will be chaired by the Minister of MoSD and Co-chaired by the Head of Cooperation of SDC. The PSC will meet at least twice a year and provide overall strategic guidance to the project.
3. Project Implementation Committee (PIC): The PIC will be established in each Province. The PIC will be chaired by the Secretary ofMoSD. The PIC will be responsible to review the overall progress of ENSSURE II atProvincial and at respective Local Governments’ level in order to approve the Annual Planand Budget of respective Local Governments. The PIC will also review issues andconstraints regarding programme implementation at provincial and local level and suggestcorrective measures when needed.
4. Project Coordination Committee (PCC): The PCC will be formed at CTEVT at federal level for the coordination of overall projectactivities. The PCC will be chaired by the Member Secretary of CTEVT. The membersecretary will assign the manager of the PCIU-P and other members in the committee forthe effective coordination of activities at all levels.
Besides these structures, the project will support the formation of an Inter-ProvinceCoordination Committee (IPCC) to enhance coordination in relation to TVET among theworking Provinces and support knowledge exchange across them.