Tue Jul 12 2022
Skills Training
The Project supports new job seekers as well as youth who are already working with skills training for improved employability and increased standard of living. As the training is industry-based, the benefit to the trainees is multifarious: the trainees stand to benefit from the experience of learning under the guidance of experienced workers; they learn to operate the latest tools and technology; they learn the most current skills which are highly valued by the market, and; the contact with the industries also increases their chance of continuing in these same industries as paid workers after the training.
The Project implements the skills training through three different training modalities:
2.Short Training Courses with On-The-Job Training (OJT)
Apprenticeship and Short Training Courses with On-The-Job Training targets new job seekers, while Workers’ Further Training targets youth who are already employed. The Apprenticeship modality leads to a qualification equivalent to Technical School Leaving Certification (TSLC) while Short Courses with OJT leads to Level Two Skills Certification from CTEVT. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is provisioned in Workers’ Further Training. Post-training such workers may go for skills certification as well.
Capacity Building
The industry-based training modalities as implemented by the Project are innovations in the context of Nepal and requires the Project to build the required capacity on several fronts:
- Human resource development of those directly involved (Trainers, Worker Coaches, Roving Instructors, etc.) in delivering the training – off-the-job and on-the-job)
- Cooperation system development between training providers, authorities and companies as well as among stakeholders
- Development/ adjustment of rules and regulations which will support industry-based training
- Organization Development of the partnering organizations
This component looks into building the capacity of roving instructors, the worker coaches, career counsellors and special teachers.
Likewise, the project will also build the capacity of partners (association staff, company owners, on-the-job training coaches and training personnel) in management skills, human resource planning, occupational health and safety, the apprenticeship approach of training and change management. The partners will also be supported to transfer the learnt skills in the workplace.
Career Guidance
The pathway from a job seeker to a skilled worker starts with career guidance. The Project supports the career in four stages:
1. School level: Career guidanceis offered to students, from grade 8 to 12 through existing teachers (capacitated for career counselling) with an objective to raise awareness about career choices and vocational education.
2. Pre-training: Career guidance fairs are organized at the regional level where career guidance teachers assist job seekers to confirm their choice of vocation and to increase their understanding of the conditions of training.
3.During training: When at skills training (apprenticeship, OJT and workers’ further training), career counselling is offered by roving Instructors to help the trainees develop an occupational perspective.
4. Post training: At the time of skill testing, the Skills Assessors guide the trainees on the career path (horizontal and vertical).